Thursday, June 16, 2016

Mapping Ivy Hill Cemetery

Map of Ivy Hill Cemetery

This map shows where the forested areas of the cemetery are, in red.  While surveying the land, I had an interest in large trees (dbh = 3'+) that were in the cemetery plot areas, essentially outside the red.  I began to catalog these trees and if time permits would like to get more specific with an area, calling out the dbh (diameter at breast height), estimated height, genus and species as well as an estimate of the value of the tree.  My interest in the trees within the cemetery plot area extends from my interest of the intersection of humans and nature.  On a certain level, it seems like these trees are potentially more vulnerable then the species within the forested area.  They are also more accessible for analysis and would be a good exercise in terms of species identification.

In terms of my experience mapping, I definitely feel that MyMaps has some benefits and drawbacks depending on the type of project you would like to map.
Benefits:  1. the ability to enter point data, even without an address 2. Can add specifications about each point.  3. Acreage and square mileage is included information--great for polygons!  4. I imagine there is some ability to collect data, like gps coordinates in the field and have it added to a map?  Could I stand next to a tree and capture its exact location, then record all of my data in the field?  That would be awesome!!
Drawbacks: 1. No curved lines.  This seems like a big one in drawing organically.  2. Limited in ability to change color and size of marker.   3. Unable to group objects together.  I wanted to group all of my forest area together to get a grand totally of square footage. 4. It seems a little tedious to add a lot of data.  It would be great to copy and paste icons and then move then to new locations so you could add a lot of icons quickly. 
Potentially, some of the drawbacks stem from the fact that I do not understand how to use the application to its fullest.

Arc GIS Explorer had a lot of similar drawing features as MyMaps, so many of the benefits and drawbacks are similar.  However, I struggled a bit to get going and figure it out.  It was not as intuitive for me, however I imagine that is because of my experience with other google products vs other GIS/ESRI products.

Arc GIS Explorer Map

Oh yeah, I saw a Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes!!!  It ran right across my path and gave all the birds quite a stir!  What a beautiful color!  Definitely the highlight of my morning. 

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